Where to see sea turtles nest in Madagascar

The white sandbar connecting the two islands of Nosy Iranja

Madagascar is home to five different species of sea turtles. They are all endangered as they are hunted either for their meat or their shell. Especially Green turtles and Hawksbill turtles are showing a marked decline in nesting. According to Sea Turtle Conservancy, there are only about 20-23 000 nesting females left of this species […]

Why you should never ride a donkey in Mijas

Mijas Pueblo is known for its Donkey Taxis. Bus tours travel daily to the idyllic Spanish village loaded with tourists from all over the world. They all want to tour the white village by donkey back. The village is situated halfway up the mountain with stunning views over the coastline of Costa del Sol. The […]

Meet the rescued donkeys and mules at El Refugio del Burrito

El Refugio del Burrito

“You are lucky. Paco de Lucía is normally not very fond of cuddles, seems like he likes you”. I turned around to see the sanctuary worker smile at me. Paco de Lucía, a nearly 9-year-old rescued mule was pressing his adorable face outside the paddock, begging for more cuddles as he made the funniest frowns […]

Diving with the cutest shark on earth

Thresher shark Philippines

Diving with a cute shark? How can a shark be cute you might be thinking. Have you seen the animated movie Shark Tale? One of the main characters in Shark Tale is a vegetarian shark called Lenny. He is really cute. And yes, I love animation movies. I actually dragged my boyfriend to the cinema […]

A disappointing meeting with the Amazon in Peru

A barefoot worker of a sawmill in the Amazon

My childhood dream, traveling to the Amazon in Peru, was about to become a huge disappointment. The first sight that met me on the way to the boat that was going to take us to the lodge in the middle of the Amazon in Peru was a lot of floating rubbish at the tiny port in […]